In my earlier years I got paid to travel the world and skateboard professionally for a living. Coming from Imperial Valley with one of the top poverty rates in all the United States I was always an unlikely candidate to pull off what I did. So I am extremely proud of everything I accomplished on a piece of wood with four wheels on it. I rode for some pretty large brands and all before the “mainstream” sponsor was a normal thing. I made a fantastic living from it and the following images below are just a few of the advertisements and signature products I had through the years in my 20s and early 30s. I still skateboard and will continue to till the day I leave this world. But for now in present day I skateboard just for fun and exercise. I already accomplished everything I set to do and more on the board! I skateboard now purely for my mind and soul. Skateboarding will never leave me. I love it.

The “NAR” flip. A trick I am credited with inventing. I landed it for my first time 2 decades ago! Time flies. I was doing them to manual and nose manuals for a while as well.
